22 Oct 2024 7 min


Last update 22 OCT 2024

Enhance Healthcare Efficiency with the Wheelchair Tracking BLE Kit: A Complete User Guide

Navigine - Enhance Healthcare Efficiency with the Wheelchair Tracking BLE Kit: A Complete User Guide
22 Oct 2024 7 min


Last update 22 OCT 2024

The Wheelchair Tracking BLE Kit by Navigine is an effective tool for optimizing operations in medical facilities, enabling BLE wheelchair tracking in real-time. The solution precisely determines the location of mobility-impaired patients, enhances their safety, and provides automated reporting for more efficient clinic management. With this kit, continuous hospital wheelchair tracking is ensured, optimizing the working time of medical staff. The kit can also be customized for other scenarios, such as monitoring patient movements and tracking other hospital equipment.

The platform operates on modern Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology. BLE is a versatile solution for object tracking, offering zone-level positioning accuracy. The technology is compatible with nearly any smartphone or tablet. Using BLE-based equipment combines low power consumption, ease of use, and cost-effective implementation within the hospital's infrastructure.

Key Components of the Wheelchair Tracking BLE Kit

The core component of the solution is the Navigine Tracking platform, which provides BLE wheelchair tracking and continuous monitoring of movements within buildings or designated geofences. The system within this kit performs the following functions:

Real-Time Wheelchair Tracking. The platform accurately determines the location of wheelchairs and displays this information on a digital map.

Real-Time Wheelchair Tracking

Zone Monitoring (Geofencing). The technology allows for the zoning of the clinic and sends notifications to medical staff when a wheelchair crosses a specific boundary on the map.

Zone Monitoring (Geofencing)

Heat Maps. The platform identifies areas with the lowest or highest wheelchair traffic. This data is later used to address problem areas within the hospital.

Heat Maps

Detailed Analytics. The digital platform continuously collects data on hospital wheelchair tracking, which is essential for the clinic's administration to analyze operations. Indoor analytics can include patient movement history, the time spent in specific locations, and instances of crossing geofence boundaries.

Detailed Analytics

In addition to the tracking software, the Wheelchair Tracking BLE Kit includes 10 Minew E8 BLE beacons and 5 Minew G1 receivers. The beacons are miniature sensors that support both iBeacon and Eddystone (URL, UID, TLM) technologies simultaneously. They are energy-efficient, powered by built-in batteries with a lifespan of one year.

Minew E8 BLE beacons

The Minew G1 receivers are Bluetooth-based gateways that collect data from the beacons and transmit it to the cloud for processing via Wi-Fi or Ethernet. Information is sent using the HTTP, MQTT, or TCP protocols. These gateways have a broad transmission range (up to 300 meters) and ensure high data security.

Minew G1 receivers

Key Use Cases for the Wheelchair Tracking BLE Kit

Tracking Wheelchair Movements

Many clinics invest in expensive, highly functional wheelchairs that significantly ease the workload of medical staff. However, hospital employees must continuously monitor the location of these wheelchairs to prevent theft and ensure quick access for patients. The platform allows for automatic real-time hospital wheelchair tracking. A beacon is attached to each chair, periodically sending out signals with unique identifiers. The receiver captures these radio impulses and sends them to the server, where the location information is processed and then displayed on tablets or smartphones.

Patient Safety

The system is useful not only for tracking BLE wheelchairs but also for monitoring patients using them. If a patient crosses the boundaries of a designated geofence or leaves the clinic premises, the platform immediately alerts medical staff. This enhances patient safety and helps prevent emergencies.

Asset Management

Navigine's solution also aids in broader asset management within medical facilities. Beyond hospital wheelchair tracking, the system can locate other important items within the clinic. It's used to monitor equipment like cardiographs, ventilators, and other valuable assets. Implementing this technology can help:

  • Minimize theft of expensive assets.
  • Avoid unnecessary purchases of extra equipment or medications.
  • Simplify inventory management of medical tools.
  • Provide timely alerts when equipment levels are low and new assets need to be acquired.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

  • Before you begin, assess the area where you plan to install the tracking system. For an open space room measuring 8x8 meters, one antenna is required. A single gateway should be installed in the center of the room at a height of 3 meters. This will allow you to accurately track locations within the 8x8 meter area.If your space is not open (e.g., contains barriers), or if there are potential radio signal interferences (such as metal structures that could affect signal transmission), it’s recommended to install two gateways per 8x8 meter room to ensure optimal coverage.


  • To avoid issues where the tag jumps around on the map, it's essential to maintain proper spacing between the gateways. Depending on the room's layout, Minew G1 gateways should be spaced up to 10 meters apart. Wall permeability must also be considered—if a wall is particularly thick, you may need to reduce the distance between gateways for more accurate tracking.
  • We recommend using an Ethernet connection for a stable network setup. You can refer to the connection manual at the provided link for detailed instructions.
  • You should only begin working with the Minew and Navigine platform after properly setting up the hardware. For detailed instructions, refer to our manual (Step 2: Hardware Setup).
  • Once the hardware is configured, you can proceed with setting up your location in the Navigine platform. This setup process will be conducted with Navigine experts during a two-hour call.
  • The E8 tag can function “out of the box” after being correctly added to the location within the Navigine platform. Follow the steps outlined in the manual (Step 6). For advanced configuration (such as adjusting signal strength, disabling the accelerometer, etc.), you can refer to the manual.
  • If you encounter any issues during installation or configuration, Navigine managers are available to assist you during the two-hour call or via technical support.

If you're interested in BLE wheelchair tracking, the Wheelchair Tracking BLE Kit by Navigine is an effective solution. Order the kit or contact us by filling out the feedback form to explore all the indoor positioning and monitoring capabilities.

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A kit with 10 beacons and 5 receivers provides high tracking accuracy across multiple rooms.

Yes, the Navigine Tracking software can be integrated with other systems.

The system provides real-time hospital wheelchair tracking. Medical staff always know where the patient is and can quickly assist if needed.

The software can monitor any objects within indoor spaces.

The kit includes a guide for implementing the system within the clinic's infrastructure and support from Navigine specialists through two training online calls.