Here is an exclusive interview for graphMetrix company! Our sales manager Nick Rozaev gave a detailed review to Kai Gilb from graphMetrix on Navigine Indoor Positioning and broached subject of his professional development.
In an interview, our specialist gave detailed answers to questions such as:
- what is indoor navigation and positioning;
- how the Navigine SDK works in retail, healthcare, shopping malls;
- how Navigine Tracking works in the industry, warehousing;
- what technologies can be used to operate the Navigine system.
Besides, within the framework of this interview, Nick Rozaev demonstrated the work of our platform for indoor navigation and tracking, and showed the main capabilities of the system (28:47):
- positioning of objects on a digital map of the premises;
- receiving reports on the movement of objects inside the premises;
- receiving reports on the time spent in one zone.
Interview recording:
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