Location-based services are ideal for large events as they enable attendees to get more extensive content about the event, its exhibitors, exhibits and speakers. Participants of the event receive targeted push notifications about speeches, time and conference rooms. As well as exhibitors may send messages with proposals of meetings or advertising based on the profile and localization of visitors. Thus exhibiting companies get an additional promotional tool that attracts potential customers and partners. Location-based services help forum organizers to get an additional revenue generation from exhibitors and tenants. Thanks to a cutting edge technology organizers, exhibitors and visitors both win.
What is the most effective way to evaluate the success of an event? The answer is quite obvious - a real-time analytics. Location-based services for event provide organizers access to a list of visitors, its presence (entrance/exit) and attendance at sessions. Geolocation technology makes analysis of visitors' behavior as easy as ABC. The event organizers are able to manage conference meetings using real-time information about space availability. As well they can use the data to monitor visitors flow and create "heat maps". Moreover, such analytical tool can accurately evaluate the effectiveness of mobile advertising campaigns and its influence on mobile app users routes.
Use the application as a loyalty card: inform about future exhibitions and events, send invitations and offer discounts to your visitors. We recommend to integrate an element of social interaction to the mobile app and become even more closer to users. Organizers can improve networking experience by using an innovative approach of exchanging contacts via mobile app. And for expanding the horizons of communication organizers can provide “find a friend on the map” function which is the best process of transitioning from online communication to offline interaction. Location-based services help event organizers to launch online discussions about exhibitions and collect feedback from visitors.
Navigine成为第五届开放创新论坛的官方室内导航提供商,该论坛接待了来自100个国家的12000多名嘉宾。尽管有一个非常严格的最后期限,但还是建立了一个导航系统,包括在科技园区大楼的4层部署了350多个信标。不到3天就完成了。会场内的导航帮助参与者轻松地找到会议的位置,并建立通往会议的路线。此外,Navigine SDK将分析数据实时传输给活动组织者,实现不同空间的交通和工作量可视化。
Navigine为SAP论坛提供了一个移动应用程序,用于与用户交互并收集他们活动的分析。导航- sap联合平台提供了实现以下功能的可能性:访客导航、与社交网络的集成、实时的人流量分析以及“热点地图”格式的可视化。超过1000名访问者下载了该应用程序,并从其集成的特别忠诚计划中获得了优势。
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