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乘客 Wayfinding


  • 特点:
  • 车站互动地图及与感兴趣地点的联系;
  • 构造任意POIs路径的寻路函数;
  • 谷歌地图中的平面图实时导航;
  • 有用的基于位置的通知,更改时间表和交通情况。
  • 预期的好处:
  • 由于客户体验的改善,乘客忠诚度增加。
  • 通过新的移动渠道从零售企业获得额外收入的机会。
  • 对应用程序用户流量的高级分析,以提高安全性和减少瓶颈。

Flows of people vary significantly during the day with peaks in different times and destination points: in the airport gates, information points, baggage claim area, railway platforms and other places. A large congestion of people in the same location may cause the formation of bottlenecks. Which is, in turn, may lead to interrupted operations and cause risks for people’s safety. Optimization of people flows is a big challenge. A special tool for indoor tracking of smartphones with enabled Wi-Fi may solve this issue. Navigine provides real-time and aggregated passenger traffic data and allows to effectively use it in always changing transportation system conditions.

  • Features:
  • “Visual” monitoring of passenger traffic using heat maps and flow maps.
  • Monitoring of statistical parameters of passenger traffic and bottlenecks identification.
  • Traffic segmentation on regular, transit and temporary visitors (without personalisation).
  • Automatic signalling in case of dangerous peaks in passenger concentration.
  • Expected benefits:
  • Real time monitoring of passenger traffic to ensure quick reaction on changing conditions.
  • Analytics for optimization of internal logistics on stations and connections.
  • Public safety increase due to gradual improvement in traffic management capabilities.

Employees responsible for maintenance and repair, traffic control and security have to perform their daily tasks. Transport conditions may change very fast and require quickly informed actions. In complex urban conditions, the transportation systems need a mobile assistance for effective staff navigation to instantly react on ongoing situations. Navigine provides a comprehensible guidance for staff to navigate through multiple transportation areas with different environments.

  • Features:
  • Interactive maps of stations/connections/tunnels/depots with key elements and assets on them.
  • Way finding function with construction of routes to any element according work assignments.
  • Real-time navigation at floor maps with the list of assignments.
  • Location based notifications regarding changing assignments and transport situation.
  • Expected benefits:
  • Real time staff navigation and corrections of daily assignments.
  • Increase in safety level due to immediate reaction on changing conditions.
  • Optimization of logistics and maintenance processes.

Transportation systems are constantly trying to improve maintenance processes in order to serve passengers with high quality and at low costs. One the most important factor in maintenance is effective asset management. In order to help optimize asset management Navigine has created solutions for real-time equipment and vehicles tracking. In addition to real-time data these solutions provide aggregated analytics on vehicles and equipment movements over the time and allow to obtain useful insights on existing inefficiencies and way to tackle them.

  • Features:
  • Real time tracking of assets position with key operation and maintenance parameters.
  • Notifications about unexpected situations, risks at transport hubs.
  • Creation and customisation of analytical reports by time, tracked objects or processes.
  • Aggregation of data on logistics and maintenance process inefficiencies.
  • Expected benefits:
  • Real time positioning of all valuable and business critical vehicles and equipment.
  • Analytics for optimization of internal logistics in transport infrastructure.
  • Public safety increase due to gradual improvement in asset management.







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  • 快速、轻松的部署
  • 技术和硬件:通用跟踪解决方案
  • 精度:定位精度高达 0.1 英尺
  • 解决方案经过时间验证:上市 10 年,覆盖 3000 多栋建筑