Сompany's news
30 Mar 2015 1 min


Last update 19 MAY 2023

Navigine Presented FireFighter Application

Сompany's news
Navigine - Navigine Presented FireFighter Application
30 Mar 2015 1 min


Last update 19 MAY 2023

How it works: a small sensor mounted on the leg firefighter who has a smartphone or tablet paired with this via Bluetooth. Application of your phone sends data to the server (backend on Bluemix), where in real time, you can see where is a firefighter. If he does not move beyond the set time settings (for example, 15 seconds) the server receives a signal of possible problems with the worker and necessity to communicate with him. You can send him push-notification with instructions, or the firefighter may be using the same device to send a signal SOS. The location of the firefighter is reflected on the map in real time.

The application allows you to increase safety, a response on emergency situations on time, track the movement off firefighters (and give them instructions or build the route) in places where it is difficult to navigate due to smoke, destructions, etc. The team has released their project within 24 hours, successfully presented it and eventually won the competition!