Advanced Indoor Positioning Systems & Tracking Solutions

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The Global positioning system (GPS) is widely used all around the world but it is efficient only outside. The GPS utilizing satellite-based GPS signals is widely used all around the world for precise outdoor positioning. However, when it comes to indoor environments, GPS signals are limited in their efficiency in locating people and gathering accurate location data. In order to track objects inside buildings, it is necessary to use an indoor positioning system (IPS) that works both on generally accepted Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) standards and on passive RFID or UWB technologies.

How does indoor positioning system work?

Indoor positioning is a system that allows the detection of objects inside buildings where satellite navigation practically doesn’t work.

The indoor position system is based on beacons or tags that are installed in buildings or placed on tracked objects. Special readers receive signals from these connected devices and send them to the server that processes the obtained data and directs the information with the exact coordinates to the computer or mobile application. Such a indoor positioning  solution makes it possible to build routes, send push notifications with advertising or useful tips to users.

Every year, indoor localization systems are becoming increasingly popular among companies worldwide. As of 2023, the volume of the international indoor positioning market was estimated at $10.9 billion. Industry experts predict that by 2028 the average annual growth rate of the market will be 22.3%, and its total value will be estimated at $29.8 billion.

Navigine Tracking system
Indoor location tracking and analytics aware platform for Digital Transformation of Enterprises.
Navigine SDK
Professional indoor navigation system for mobile applications.

Benefits of using Indoor Positioning Systems

People flow optimization thanks to improved indoor positioning and navigation;
Additional marketing channel (sending push notifications);
Space optimization thanks to the received analytical data on visitors;
Enhancing the safety of the company’s staff or visitors;
Improving the quality of customer service;
Possibility to save time on searching the objects of interest.

Main technologies for Indoor Positioning

Bluetooth® LE
Bluetooth Low Energy allows defining the location of objects with an accuracy of 2-5 m. Simple and affordable iBeacon beacons, which send their identifiers to the readers inside the premises on an on-going basis, are used for implementing an indoor positioning system. The server system receives the transmitted information and immediately defines the location of each tag.
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Indoor positioning systems using WI-Fi allow for the realization of local positioning systems without additional equipment and complicated infrastructure servicing. The receiver in the building detects the information, calculates the object's location and sends the coordinates into the Cloud. Location accuracy can be quite high – about 3-5 m.
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Ultra-Wide Band (UWB)
The Ultra WideBand indoor location technologies belong to wireless communication types functioning within small distances with minimum energy consumption. It is one of the most precise positioning technologies. Because of high implementation costs, the technology is usually used only if enterprises need the most precise data on location - the accuracy of indoor positioning systems can be up to 30 cm.
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Applications of IPS in Various Industries

Airports and railway stations
Shopping centers
Industrial enterprises
Medical institutions
Warehouses and logistics centers
Navigine specializes in developing and implementing indoor positioning systems into the company’s infrastructure. We offer practical and functional tools, Navigine Tracking and Navigine SDK, which help to organize efficient navigation inside buildings.

Let's Discuss Your Business Needs

Discover the power of indoor positioning and tracking - contact us today!

Our Advantages

  • Quick and easy deployment
  • Technology and Hardware: Universal tracking solution
  • Precision: up to 0.1 feet accuracy of localisation
  • Solution proved over time: 10 year on the market with over 3000 buildings covered